Find out how you can use REANA to describe, run, preserve and reuse your analyses.
User GuideInstall and manage the REANA reusable analysis platform on your own compute cloud.
Administrator GuideUnderstand REANA source code, adapt it to your needs, contribute changes back.
Developer GuideUpgrades Snakemake to version 7.
Improves job submission performance.
Improves clean up of deleted and failed workflows.
REANA participates at the HSF Analysis Preservation Bootcamp, October 16-18 2023, Valencia, Spain. [event] | |
REANA participates at the CERN-NASA Open Science Summit 2023, July 10-14 2023, Geneva, Switzerland. [event] | |
REANA participates at the CHEP2023 conference, May 8-12 2023, Norfolk, USA. [event] | |
REANA participates at the PV2023 conference, May 2-4 2023, Geneva, Switzerland. [event] [paper] | |
REANA participates at the HSF IRIS-HEP Analysis Ecosystems Workshop II, May 23-25 2022, Paris, France. [event] | |
A new paper "Scalable Declarative HEP Analysis Workflows for Containerised Compute Clouds" published in Frontiers in Big Data (2021). [paper] | |
Presented "Analysis Reproducibility with REANA on Kubernetes" as part of the CERN Cloud Containers webinar series (2020). [webinar] [event] | |
A technical overview of REANA published in EPJ Web Conf 2014 (2019) 06034. [paper] | |
REANA featured in the CERN Courier March/April 2019 thematic issue on Open Science. [paper] | |
An opinion piece "Open is not enough" about REANA and reproducible science solutions in particle physics published in Nature Physics 15 (2019) 113–119. [paper] | |
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Introduce role-based authorisation control models allowing to share workflows with colleagues.
Introduce user groups to ease the sharing of workflows with multiple colleagues.
Introduce new command-line client written in Go to improve performance and ease of use. Stabilise the REST API versioning.